Our group is going to the Ark Encounter/Creation Museum/etc. and want to eat lunch there. Can we do that?
Sure! Please let us know as soon as you have your schedule (at least 14 days in advance). For any meal(s) that you opt out of, we will deduct $10 per person from the group package price. We also have a boxed meal option, if you would like to bring lunch with you.

The Ark Encounter and Creation Museum do not allow outside meals to be brought in. Some people still pack lunches and eat them in their vehicles. (Please note that at the Ark Encounter, it would take a long time to walk from the Ark to the bus pickup area, ride a bus to the parking lot, go to your vehicle, and then make your way back to the Ark via the bus.) Or, if you would like us to pack some snacks for your day out, please just let us know!

We are a small group/family. Can we get our meals there?
If you have at least 12 people in your group, we would be happy to provide meals for you! If your family or group is smaller, please call or email us to see if any meals are scheduled during your stay because we can usually add you to an already scheduled meal. We serve lunch for staff Tuesday-Friday, so we can usually add more people to lunch.

How much are meals?



served at 8 AM



served at noon



served at 6 PM



Meal prices are subject to change.
The ranch is in the Eastern Time Zone.

Can we see the menu or choose our meals?
Our chef will plan a delicious menu for your meals here, including entrée, soup, starch, and vegetable, served buffet-style, plus salad bar, dessert and beverage bar. Please notify us of any dietary restrictions at least 14 days prior to your arrival so that he can plan accordingly.

Will we have the lodge to ourselves during meals?
We often have multiple groups dining at one time, especially on weekends. We will ensure enough tables are set up for all groups, and there may be signs on the tables indicating where each group should sit (just to make sure there is room for everyone to sit with their group).

What if someone has food allergies or a special diet?
Please notify us of any dietary restrictions at least 14 days prior to your arrival so that we can plan accordingly.

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